Time to Ride!
A few weeks after Rio was born I wondered if it would be ok to start riding Tia again. I typically show Tia in halter

Horseowner Michelle M. Smith shares the first months of her new filly's life in this EquiSearch.com blog.
A few weeks after Rio was born I wondered if it would be ok to start riding Tia again. I typically show Tia in halter
Today Rio met the farrier for the first time. I have been picking out her hooves daily since she was just a few weeks old so I didn't expect any problems. Every once in a while she would want to put her hoof down before I was ready to release it. She would try to yank it out of my hand but as long as I held on with gentle pressure she got the idea that she can only put her hoof down when I was ready. This morning I decided to put her and her mother out in the ring before the farrier arrived so she could blow off a little steam. I then fed her before his arrival as well so we were all ready to go. He remarked that we would just trim her a bit and if she tolerated that well he would then rasp her hooves. Rio was an angel and stood very well for both. The farrier was so impressed with her behavior that he didn't charge me the full rate for trimming a foal. I was so proud of her and saw the first fruits of my labor working with her on a daily basis. Now...if I could only get her to accept clipping her muzzle hairs that well!!